Energy Market Research
Custom Research Projects For
Energy Clients Since 1999


Oil & Gas



Offshore Wind
Custom Client Projects-Examples
High Power, Compact Gas Turbine Engines for Hydraulic Fracturing, Pressure Pumping, Drill Rigs-Alternative To Traditional Diesel and Recipriocating Engines-New Growth Market Opportunity Assessment
Research attractiveness of lighter weight, compact, high power gas turbine generator set. Greater power requirements for pressure pumping. More frac stages, longer laterals, mobility in basins with challenging terrain. Drilling power faster penetration, multi-well pads.
Custom Engineered Bellows For Valves, Actuators, Seals, Other Components For Harsh Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Environments (Extreme Temperature, Pressure, Corrosion, Vibration)-Global Market Assessment
Assess business opportunity for specialized welded, flexible bellows solutions for harsh, high temp, corrosive environments in subsea O&G, ultra-deep water requiring better solutions. Artificial lift, drilling, ROVs, pressure pumping, wireline applications.

Flexible Joints, Deepwater Drilling and Production New Riser Connection Solutions-Offshore O&G Floating Platforms-Market, Pricing, Key Applications, Assessment, Key Competitor Analysis, Market Entry and Sales Strategy.
Assess market interest in new technology to reduce motion-induced stresses in drilling-production operations (FPSOs, FLNGs, TLPs, Spars, Semi-Submersibles). Define problems, highest potential opportunities, competitive solutions, addressable market, growth, market entry, sales strategy plan.

Positioning Technology for Offshore Survey, Heavy Equipment Installation and Logistics Support, In-Depth Research Update on key Competition (Technology Initiatives, Pricing, New Growth Applications, Current Customer Needs)
Analysis of opportunity for networked undersea positioning solutions (high-performance, low logistics) for mid-and deep water survey, construction, installation. Integrated (permanently installed), mid tier, lower end (compact and portable) offerings

Pipeline (Methane) Leak Detection Technology-Low Logistics-Remote Airborne Monitoring and Imaging Solution-New System Opportunity Assessment Across Key Sectors: Gathering, Processing, Compression, Fractionation, Transport
New airborne imaging solution for methane leakage (increasing green house gas emissions from pipelines, gathering, processing, compression, fractionation, transportation (rail, barge, truck), and storage). Current solutions, changing regulations, unmet needs, market size, pricing.

Mobile, Compact High Power Engines for Improved Pipeline Maintenance, Repair, Pump Down Compressors, Vent & Flare Gas Compression. US and Canada Market Opportunity Assessment, Key Customer Sales Strategy Planning
New pump-compressor systems for pipeline maintenance to address increased volume of gas and crude in US and Canada fields. Improved safety, reliability, lower cost, less emissions. Market size, growth, underlying drivers, recommended strategies.

New, Compact, Portable Power System Driving Compressors Small-Mid Scale LNG Plants ("Distributed" Alternative To Large Scale LNG Plants. Market Opportunity Assessment, Key Competitor Analysis, Key Customer Prospects
Compact, high HP natural gas-fueled engine solutions for compressing LNG in smaller, modular LNG plants. Increases in US unconventional O&G spurred growth of smaller LNG facilities close to major shale basin for on-site compression, vs. transporting gas to large and remote LNG plants

Portable and Fixed Gas Monitoring and Flame Deectors-LNG Plants, Global Refinery, Chemical, Petrochemical Market-Wireless Technology Market Opportunity Assessment, Sales Strategy Roadmap

New Stack Emissions Imaging System. Market Opportunity Assessment for Refineries, Petrochemical, Chemical Plants. Assess Changing Continuous Emissions Monitoring Regulations, Emerging Technologies, Key Prospects

Mobile high power steam injector system for heavy cleaning in O&G refineries, and petrochemical plants. Assessment of market interest, key competitive solutions, advantages-disadvantages, key customer, market entry strategies.

Advanced Meteorological Forecasting Solution-Wind, Solar Power Site Selection-Market Assessment. Current Solutions, Problems, Unmet Needs, Changing Requirements, Potential Market Size And Growth, Expected Price Ranges

Solar PV, Wind Energy Standby Power Solutions Compact Gas Turbine Engine Generators, Power Back-Up To Solar, Wind Energy Plants-Small Footprint, Gas Turbines) for Intermittent Power-Market Opportunity Assessment

Advanced Generator Set For Biomass-Biogas Facility Power Generation, District Heating, Combined Heat and Power, Various Feedstocks, Global Market Opportunity Assesment, Competitive Analysis, Key Country Entry Strategies

Mobile Electric Power Generation Solution for Emerging, Developing Countries (Africa, SE Asia, Middle East, Latin America) Communications, Water, Industrial Infrastructure. Market Opportunity Assessment, Key Prospects, Entry Strategy

Geospatial Remote Sensing (Space, Airborne, Ground) Solutions For Power Plant Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Detection And Monitoring. Market Opportunity Assessment, Current Solutions, Key Prospects, Pricing Analysis

Mobile Gas Turbines Assessment for Standby-Emergency Power (Black Starts, Outages), "Balance Of Plant" Equipment (Blowers, Compressors, Pumps For Powergen Plants. Competitive Assessment, Top Prospects, Market Entry Strategy

Critical Infrastructure Physical Security System for Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Electric Utilities). Market Assessment of Current Solutions, New and Emerging Technologies, Changing Requirements, Market Potential, Entry Strategies

Nuclear Plant Equipment Qualification Testing Services Market Assessment (Electrical, Mechanical, Digital Equipment Solutions). Key Competitors, Major Equipment Parts, Components, and Assemblies Candidates.

Distribution Substation Repair And Overhaul. Market Assessment of New Mobile Electric Power Solution Offering Reliable, Remote Temporary Power For Maintenance Crews. Key Competitor Analysis, Market Growth.

Transmission Line Maintenance and Overhaul Solution. New Mobile Power Solution for Transmission Line Maintenance, Repair, Failure Prevention. Assessment of Market Interest, Key Applications, Specific Sales Prospects.

s:Commercial Microgrids (Hospitals, Data Centers, Critical Infrastructure) Portable, Standby Power For Secure Energy, Cogeneration. Market Assessment, Key Prospects, Market Entry Strategy

Integration of standby, clean renewable power for critical secure micro-grid commercial applications (hospitals, data centers, etc.)

Portable power for secure micro-grids powering critical infrastructure at large government facilities

Remote, off grid, Isolated, "islanded" locations-opportunity assessment for new mobile electric generator sets (USAID Power Africa, other government agencies) US Govt Funded Research

Energy Savings Performance Contracts-Secure, resilient, standby semi-permanent standby heat and power cogeneration for government facilities: DOE, DOD, Interior, EPA, Budget Analysis Addressable Opportunities

Water Resources
Portable Desalination System-Emergency Potable Water Production System Lightweight, High Pressure Gas Turbine Driven Pump
Water Quality Analytical Instrumentation-VOCs
Mobile Treatment Potable Water Plant Power Generation Solution
Mobile Wastewater Treatment-
Water Flood Abatement Pumps-Portable Power-Natural Disasters, Storm Control Pumps to Municipalities
LNG Vehicle Fueling Infrastructure-Mobile Power Supply Solutions-Electric, Natural Gas (and Alternative Fuel) Vehicles and Support Infrastructure
Marine vessel thrusters
LNG Commercial Marine Carriers-Compact Gas Turbines- LNG Shipboard at speed power
Natural Gas Powered Large Trucks for Mining Companies